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By donating below, you will receive your very own signed copy of

Legacy of Life: Honoring Fifty of the Greatest

Pro-Life Leaders of the Last Fifty Years!

Make either a one-time donation of $300 TODAY or enroll in automatic recurring monthly payments of $30 or more in honor of NIFLA's 30th Anniversary. 

As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, NIFLA is committed to empowering pro-life pregnancy centers in communities across the nation by providing vital training and education, critical legal counsel and defense, and national pro-life leadership. All donations to NIFLA help to support the life-affirming work of our 1,700 member centers and are tax-deductible.

NOTE: We are not currently able to accept AMEX. Also, please allow at least 10 business days for us to mail your copy of the book. Should demand exceed current supply, more books will need to be ordered from the publisher which may result in delays. We appreciate your patience and thank you for supporting NIFLA and its role in leaving a Legacy of Life for future generations!

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